Quantum in Python

The Quantum Harmonic Oscillator

Applying the Hamiltonian Operator on a given wave function, $\Psi$ results in the Schrödinger Equation,

$$ i\hbar {\frac {\partial }{\partial t}}\Psi (\mathbf {r} ,t)={\hat {H}}\Psi (\mathbf {r} ,t) $$

for which solutions (to the time-independent Schrödinger eqn) exist for certan 'eigenenergies'. To visualize these eigenenergies and their corresponding eigenfunctions for a quantum harmonic oscillator, we must first construct the system in which the quantum mechanical particle will exist.

Constructing a parabolic potential

To start, import required libraries and define the required constants used to define potential energy of the system.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
import numpy as np
#import plotly.plotly as py

from ipywidgets import *
from matplotlib import animation, rc
from IPython.display import HTML
In [2]:
hbar = 1.05e-14      #reduced planks constant in units of Å^2*kg/s
hbarSI = 1.055e-34   #"---------------------" in units of m^2*kg/s
m = 1.6266e-27       #mass of particle in units of kg
eV = 1.602e-19       #1 electron volt in units of J

#Define QHO potential parameters
omega = 5.6339e14
eta = 2
x_0 = np.sqrt(hbar/(m*omega))
a = 4*x_0 #width of potential in Å

# of finite difference steps
N = 100

#Create potential
x = np.linspace(-a,a,N)
V = 0.5*omega**2*m*np.power(abs(x),eta)

Discretizing the 1D Hamiltonian

In order to solve the Schrodinger equation analytically we will discretize the Hamiltonian operator using a fintite-difference approximation. In matrix form, the discretized Hamiltonian can be written in the form

$$ {\mathbf {\hat{H}}}={\frac {\hbar ^{2}}{2m}}{\frac {d^{2}}{dx^{2}}}+V(x)={\begin{pmatrix}\ldots &-t&0&0&0\\-t&V_1+2t&-t&0&0\\0&-t&V_{0}+2t&-t&0\\0&0&-t&V_{1}+2t&-t\\0&0&0&-t&\ldots \\\end{pmatrix}} $$

where $V(x)$ is the potential energy of the system and $t\equiv {\frac {\hbar ^{2}}{2ma^{2}}}$. Because the Hamiltonian is the operator associated with the total energy of the system, applying the Hamiltonian to a wavefunction creates an eigenvalue problem that we can solve to determine the eigenenergies & eigenfunctions associated with the system we've constructed.

In [3]:
dx = 2*a/N

#Create tridiagonal Laplacian for Hamiltonian (TODO: use diag insead?)
def hamiltonian2(N, V, m):
    U = np.zeros((N,N))
    for i in range(0,N):
        U[i,i]= -2
        if i > 0:
            U[i, i-1] = 1
        if i < N-1:
            U[i,i+1] = 1

    #Compute Hamiltonian and solve eigenvalue problem
    return -(hbar**2/(2*m*eV))*U/dx**2 + np.diag(V)

E,v = np.linalg.eigh(hamiltonian2(N, V, m))

With the eigenvalue problem solved we can visualize the eigenfunctions of the quantum harmonic oscillator we've constructed for a few of the low-energy eigenstates. The QHO is a good approximation of simple chemical bonds (see original pdf). Note that the absolute magnitudes of the position/energy are not meaningfully normalized.

In [4]:
#Plot QHO potential

plt.title('QHO Eigenfunctions')
plt.xlabel('Position [Å]')

#Overlay eigenfunctions
for i in range(3):


Visualizing a time-dependent wavepacket

Using our solutions to the eigenvalue problem presented by the Schrodinger equation we can create a wavepacket in the center of the potential by weighting the eigenfunctions with a Gaussian distribution and re-introducing the time-dependent term.

Whereas the momentum of a single wave can be known with certainty (consequently implying that its position in space is uncertain and that its wave function is evenly distributed throughout space), the superposition of a number of waves plane waves results in a distribution of momentums and a wave 'packet' whose position is increasingly localized in space. Here we use a normal/Gaussian distribution of waves to create a 'Gaussian' wavepacket. The general form of a wavepacket (from Wikipedia) can be expressed as:

$$ u(x,t) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \int^{\infty}_{-\infty} A(k) ~ e^{i(kx-\omega(k)t)}dk $$

In [5]:
def normalize(vec):
    return vec/np.linalg.norm(vec)

#Project normalized Gaussian onto eigenfunction
def createPacket(mu, sig, e_functions):
    return normalize(mlab.normpdf(np.linspace(0,1,N),mu,sig)).dot(v)

#Create wavepacket centered in well
mu = 0.5
sig = 0.05
wavePacket = createPacket(mu,sig,v)
C:\Users\cm3willi\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ipykernel_launcher.py:6: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: scipy.stats.norm.pdf
In [20]:

steps = 100
t = np.linspace(.18e-51,.19e-51,steps)

timePacket = np.zeros((steps,N))

#Introduce time dependency and project new amplitudes onto eigenfunctions
for i in range(steps):
    timeDep = np.exp(-1j*E*t[i]/hbarSI)
    b1 = np.diag(wavePacket*np.real(timeDep))
    c1 = normalize(np.sum(v.dot(b1),axis=1).T)
    timePacket[i,:] = np.conj(c1)*c1 #square wavefuntion to obtain probabilities

#Static plot of time evolution of probability densities 
def pltProb(i):
    #Generate Plot    
    fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
    plt.title('Probability Distribution of Wavepacket Over Time')
    plt.xlabel('x [Å]')
    ax2 = ax1.twinx()
    #Handle array inputs
    if np.size(i) == 1:
        ax1.legend(['$\mathregular{t_' + str(i) + '}$' for i in range(steps)])
    #Overlay parabolic potential
    ax2.legend('V(x)', loc='best')

fig, ax = plt.subplots();

ax2 = ax.twinx();

ax.set_ylim(0, 0.15)

line, = ax.plot([],[], lw=2);
plt.title('Probability Distribution of Wavepacket Over Time')

def init():
    ax.legend(['$\Psi^2(x)$'], loc=4)
    ax2.legend(['V(x)'],       loc=3)

    return line,

def animate(i):
    x_out = x;
    y_out = np.real(timePacket[i-1,:].T)
    line.set_data(x_out, y_out)
    return line,

anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames=steps, interval=50, blit=True)
#Uncomment to enable interactivity:
interact(pltProb,i=IntSlider(min = 1,max = steps, value = 1));
In [21]:

Once Loop Reflect

As expected of a harmonic oscillator, the wavefunction oscillates (over an extremely short period) while remaining centered in the harmonic potential. Because the wavefunction remains centered, the expectation of the position and momentum of the particle will be zero while it remains in its bound state.


  1. Discretization of 1D Hamiltonian
  2. Schrodinger Equation
  3. Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions
  4. A Crash Course in Python for Scientists

Based on projects assigned in University of Waterloo NanoEng Program's Quantum Mechanics course (NE 232 - Instructor/Year: David Corey, 2015). Created as an introduction to using Python/Jupyter notebooks